Sewage Treatment Plant Manufacturers in Nepal

Water scarcity is growing all over the world mostly in populated urban hilly areas where sewage treatment plants are negligibly seen, one can remember the city of lakes in India, has been facing water woes over the years, mainly an outcome of the over-dependence on Nainital lake for the drinking water supply and lack of developing an alternative source over the decades. Other factors also influence the increasing scarcity of water like climate change, Population growth, and demographic changes. In many developed countries, some of these problems are successfully tackled with the Implantation of sewage treatment plants. Sewage treatment plants effectively purify the major impurities from the water which is collected from domestic and industrial sources. Wastewater discharged in the primary source of water in the area is common and freely practiced which highly contaminate the water with time and linked to transmission of diseases such as cholera, diarrhea, dysentery, hepatitis A, typhoid, and polio. Sewage treatment plant manufacturers in Nepal and Water treatment plant manufacturers in Nepal are the manufactures and needy industries which highly essential for the landlocked nation with a current population of over 27 million people. Sewage Treatment Plant Manufactures in Nepal and Drinking Water System Manufactures in Nepal are delivering promisingly void access to safe and adequate drinking water. According to the Department of Water Supply and Sewerage in Nepal, even though an estimated 80% of the total population has access to drinking water, it is not safe.

Only 27% of people have access to basic sanitation, and people who don’t have access rely on the water of rivers and lakes which are also being used for bathing and washing clothes. If we talk about drinking water system manufactures in Nepal and sewage treatment plant manufacturers in Nepal is very limited and established on a very hefty cost. SAF Engineers are trusted and working on water treatment facilities throughout Nepal with the utmost construction and engineered sewage treatment plants and drinking water system treatment.

Stages of treatment 

The constructional design of Sewage Treatment Plants is simple and works involving stages of treatment involves the sedimentation process. The water comes from sewages has been kept and collected in huge tanks and which been given some time outcomes in sedimentation of heavy solid impurities to the bottom of the tank meanwhile the liquid impurities stay on the top surfaces including grease, oil floats are removed and purified using circular clarifiers and this process is called as clarification.

The second stage of the sewage treatment plant is called the aeration process. The working of this process is sludge activation where large-sized fans have been used known as aerators. As the organic impurities need high BOD (Biological Oxygen Demand), the aerators supply oxygen to the bacteria and which outcomes information of sludge which is removed as the part of the secondary stage. The effectiveness of the aeration process depends on the design and engineering of the aerator fins.

The treated water from the previous stage might contain chemical or physical infect ants. That because the last stage of the sewage treatment plant involves the disinfection of the toxic impurities which makes it safe for the disposal of treated water. Sewage treatment plants reduce the hazardous contamination getting released in natural bodies thus helps in controlling water pollution


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